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Monday, March 8, 2021



My friend and neighbor Ellen gave me a few fun cookbooks for my birthday last week. This
cookbook brought back great memories of my times spent shopping and eating lunch
at the famous Bergdorf Goodman Department store in New York.

I had to try a recipe from the cookbook :)

These Butterscotch Brownies are chewy and deliciously sweet. Made with butter
and brown sugar, this recipe is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Nice twist on classic Brownies for sure!

Melt 8 tablespoons of unsalted butter on the stove top.

To the butter tumble in 2 cups of brown sugar.

Butterscotch flavor is made from melted butter and brown sugar :)

Stir the pot until fully incorporated.

Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl and let cool.

Crack two eggs into a small bowl and give it a mix.

Add in 2 teaspoons of vanilla to the eggs and beat.

In a medium bowl sift in 1 cup of flour,
2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Now that the sugar is cooled pour in the eggs.
Grab a hand held mixer and beat it all together.

Pour in the flour.

Give the bowl a good beating.

Line an 11x7x2 baking dish with waxed parchment paper and
scrape the batter into the dish. Bake the 
Butterscotch Brownies in a 350 degree oven
for 30 minutes.

Smells so yummy right now.
Let the bars cool for sure before cutting into squares.

Little sprinkle of powdered sugar over the top because...Why Not?  :)

Now slice up the Butterscotch Brownies!

Just place them on a Tiffany Plater and serve!

Have a napkin and enjoy a Butterscotch Brownie.

These two are mine!

I am telling you these Butterscotch Brownies are Fabulous.

There ya have it, right out of the book.....Butterscotch Brownies :)



If you are missing fancy lunches at Bergdorf Goodman....

Go buy the book and bring the experience back in your kitchen.

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