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Wednesday, February 24, 2021



This past week has felt like Spring is in the air which means to me...


This classic Lemon Posset is incredibly easy to make using three simple ingredients.
You can make these zesty Lemon Posset desserts in the morning
then serve it that evening after it has chilled.

Possets are velvety smooth, delicious and so zesty. Ideal for anyone who loves lemons :)

So lets get cooking!

In a sauce pan pour in 2 cups of heavy cream.

Who is that guy in the background? 

Well, it's my husband John, who is NOT my Sous-Chef :)

Add to the pot 2/3 cup of granulated sugar.

1 tablespoon of lemon zest.

Squeeze in the juice of two lemons and stir to combine.

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat stirring frequently 
to dissolve the sugar.

Once the pot comes to a boil turn the heat down and continue to cook
 until mixture is reduced to 2 cups. Don't forget to keep stirring about 8 to 10 minutes.

Pull the pot off the stove and let set until mixture has cooled.

Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into a pitcher.

Discard the lemon zest.

Oops...little spill of Posset :)

Grab your serving glasses.

Pour the fabulous Lemon Posset into each individual serving glass.
Refrigerate uncovered until set, at least 3 hours.

Garnish with anything you love. 

Silky Smooth Delicious Lemon Posset.

They are Impressive & Elegant and so easy to make.

Put a spoon in and have a bite :)

A delicious citrus tang right here :)



What Is A Lemon Posset?

Lemon Posset is a Classic English dessert dating back to the Middle Ages. This modern
version is chilled, with a velvety smooth texture that magically congeals with
only three ingredients- cream, sugar, and lemon.

Unlike Lady Macbeth, who drugged King Duncan's guards with poisoned posset, so they say!

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