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Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Old Fashion Potato Salad...

This was a perfect side dish for our Dinner Party...Guests Love It.

Sometimes simple is best when it comes to recipes in the Summer.

Old- Fashion Potato Salad is near the top of my re-make list because
it's a summer staple in our house. Plus, with it being summer
and all, what a better time to re-share.

This is a no-frills recipe that will make your family and friends
happy at all the your summer cookouts. That perfect cold side dish to enjoy!

The No-Frills Ingredients!

In a large Yellow pot boil up some mini Yukon Gold Potatoes 
in salted water until they are fork tender.

In a Purple pot boil some eggs.

Chill the cooked potatoes in the fridge till they are cooled.

With a Yellow knife slice the potatoes in half and toss into a large bowl.

With a Green & Red knife dice up some celery and one red onion.

Toss the vegetables into the bowl with the potatoes.

Slice up the hard boiled eggs with a White knife.

Toss the eggs into the bowl withe rest of the summer party.

Now for the GOOD part...

For the dressing as always the summer staple characters show up.

Mayonnaise, Yellow Mustard, Dijon Mustard, Whole Grain Mustard.

The amount you use in the dressing is directed by your tastebuds.
I go less with the Whole Grain Mustard because 
it has a powerful punch :)

Give the bowl a mix and add a pinch of salt & pepper.

So, have a taste to see if you need a little more of this or that.

My tastebuds said more Mayonnaise.
I love my Mayo!

Time to put these bowls together!

Slowly pour in "Some" of the dressing.
You can add more later.

Have a bite of the Potato Salad.
Delicious and I don't need any more dressing.

With a Green spoon scoop your Potato salad into a
pretty serving dish and store until it's..

PaRtY TiMe!

This Potato Salad Is a Summertime Staple For A Good Reason...

Because it's Delicious and brings back All your fun
Summertime Memories :)

Please have a bite.

Don't forget that you can add some of your other favorites to this salad like
Bacon, Pickles, Radishes Cheese and more!

Please let me know what you added to this recipe because
I'm sure you may have your grandma's 
recipe stored away.

My husband adds Relish to his potato salad and admitted
to me he has been sneaking a bowl of the Salad
in the middle of the night :)



With your left over ingredients here you can whip up some

Egg Salad.

With your left over ingredients you can also whip up some

Tuna Salad.

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