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Thursday, June 13, 2024



I am Cheering about my homemade Cherry Jam smothered
on a Model Bakery English Muffin because
this Cherry Jam is Delicious!

Cherry season ranges from mid May to early August and
my truck just pulled up from The Farmers market loaded with
my absolute favorite fruit....Cherries!

So I am going to Cherry On and make some Jam.

Remove the pits from the washed cherries. Chop all or half of them
into small pieces, leave some whole if you like.
I used about 2 lbs of sweet cherries.

Some whole and some sliced cherries for my Jam.

Tumble the cherries into a large pot.

Add to the cherries about 1 1/2 cups of white sugar.

Pour in 1 tsp. of vanilla extract to the pot.

Add in 1 tbsp of lemon juice from the lemon off your (or your neighbor's) tree. :)

Mix all the ingredients up well.

Hello.... a run away cherry for me to eat now. :)

Turn the heat up on the stove and bring the cherries to
a boil and then toss in 1 tbsp. of butter.

Reduce heat to medium low and cook for 20 minutes.

The cherries have become soft and it looks like....

Cherry Jam!

Let the Jam  completely cool before putting into the jars.

Now just fill the jars with the YUMMY Cherry Jam.


Grab a spreader for your English Muffin.

Just butter on a toasted Model Bakery English Muffin is great but....

I can make it even BETTER :)

Spread on the Cherry Jam and look at those CHERRIES. :)

Smother both slices up well with the Very Cherry Jam.

I am in Cherry Berry Heaven right about now!

By the way, Cherry Jam is awesome on top of yogurt.

But then it's great on....

PBJ, Toast, Poundcake, Ice Cream, Cookies, Cheesecakes, Crepes, Pancakes

Share your Cherry Jam As A Hostess Gift!

My Peach Plumb Jam Was Jamming Up Too. :)



Excuse me, did you just ask me the difference between
Jam. Jelly and Preserves?

Jam: is made from whole or cut up pieces of fruit with sugar. 
It cooks until the fruit reduces and thickens.

Jelly: is made from only the fruit juices and sugar. No pulp, seeds
of fruit. Pectin os often used to make jelly.

Fruit Preserves: contains the most fruit of all. Fruit could be either
whole or chopped. Sometimes, the preserves will be held together
in a loose sugar fruit syrup, other times, the liquid is more jammy and jellified.

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