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Monday, May 20, 2024



Tomatillos give the traditional Bloody Mary a delicious green twist
for Verde Mary or Green Bloody Mary.

This spicy colorful take on the classic cure-all cocktail will
have you serving them up every weekend.

Wait...It's not just a weekend drink!

First you are going to saute one small white onion with 4 cloves
of minced garlic till translucent.

In another pot blanch in one cup of water...

1 pound of Tomatillos (diced up)
1 Jalapeno  Pepper (seeded and diced)
1 Poblano Pepper (seeded and diced)
Handful of fresh Spinach
Half bunch of Cilantro

Drain all the water and keep the bowl of all bright 
GREEN vegetables ready to be turned into a Verde Bloody Mary.

To your blender add all the onions and green mixture.

Pour in 1 cup of water to the blender and....

Blend Away!

Now for the Spicy!

Mix 1 tablespoon of each...

Celery Salt
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Salt & Pepper

Toss in all the spices and Blend away again!

Have a taste.

Pour the Verde mixture into a pitcher
and lets make a Cocktail :)

To a glass add..

3oz. Verde Mix
3oz. Your Favorite Vodka
.75 Lime Juice
Tumble In some ice cubes

Who doesn't love a good cocktail that's socially
acceptable to sip before noon?!

This Green Verde Bloody Mary is a refreshing change of scenery
in a sea full of regular Bloody Mary's and Mimosas.

Garnish your cocktail just the way you Like :)

This one is for you.



The Verde Bloody Mary stores perfect in the fridge
for when you want to have another

Verde Bloody Mary.

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