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Friday, September 16, 2022



Chocolate Fudge Pie is perfect for chocolate lovers!
It's ooey gooey delicious that is fabulous served
hot with vanilla ice cream!

This recipe is so easy and I bet you have all the ingredients in your kitchen now.
My pie was a perfect dessert to bring to a last minute dinner party!

In a small pour melt 1/2 cup of butter.

To the butter tumble in 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
Give the bowl a stir.

Beat two eggs and pour into the sugar mixture.

In a larger bowl add 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
and 1/4 cup of flour then give the bowl a mix.

Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture.

Stir the bowl until thoroughly combined.

Drop in about 1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips....Lots Of Chocolate:)

Grab a spatula and mix all the chips into the batter.

I said this was a quick and easy recipe so don't be making
you own pie crust, okay!

Maria Callender's makes a fabulous frozen pie crust :)

Pour the batter into the thawed pie crust and smooth it out evenly.

Since I planed to bring this Fudge Pie to our friends dinner
party I covered the pie and planned to cook it
about an hour before we left.

I cooked this Fudge Pie in a 325 degree oven for 30-40 minutes
while I got all dressed up and ready to head out for some fun.

Oh gosh, I wish you could smell this deliciousness in my kitchen now!!!!

Warm Fudge Pie tastes even better topped with the
best vanilla ice cream like...

McConnell's Vanilla Bean.



Wish I could give you a bite but I plan to clean this bowl.

You have to make a Fantastic Fudge Pie if your a chocolate love!

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