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Thursday, August 26, 2021



Baking Treats, Muffins, Quick Breads and more just got 
got taken up a notch with this homemade....

Vanilla Sugar!

This sugar is perfect sprinkled over toast and fruit slices too in the morning!
Try adding Vanilla Sugar to your tea, coffee and other beverages 
because it just adds that special flavor!

You will need one vanilla bean for every cup of sugar.

Gently run a knife down the bean to get all the "beany goodness".

Toss in one cup of sugar and your vanilla bean into a 
food processor and give it a quick blend.

Wa-La.....Vanilla Sugar.

Pour the vanilla sugar into a bowl and make another batch.

Add the Vanilla Sugar into cute little mason jars.

Put a few whole vanilla beans into the jar with the sugar for
Looks & Taste :)

Twist a the lid on and store in a cool, dry area. Now you have awesome 
smelling Vanilla Sugar for weeks.

Vanilla Sugar makes a great gift for that "hard to buy person", that budding chef
or anyone who just loves Vanilla!

Vanilla Sugar all dressed up and ready to be gifted!

A surprise for a sweet friend :)



Be sure to make enough Vanilla Sugar for yourself because
it makes everything delicious!

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