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Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Cow Patties Are Insanely Delishhh....

This candy takes just about 10 minutes to whip up and only 3 ingredients.
It's a combination of rich chocolate, crunchy peanuts
and sweet dried cranberries in every bite :)

Cow Patties make for fabulous holiday gifts but be sure to save a jar for yourself.

Three Ingredients right here!

This recipe lends itself well to variations; sometimes I use dark chocolate chips
and substitute walnuts or almonds for the peanuts. If you don't 
like cranberries leave them out or go with dried
cherries and raisins.

With my Redhead spatula I melted two bags of my favorite chocolate chips,
" Ghirardelli", on the stove top in a double boiler.

Once the chocolate is all smooth and melted, pull it off the stove.

Toss in two bags of cranberries and about a cup of peanuts.
If you want more peanuts add more :)

Give the bowl a good mix.

Have a taste but be warned this batter is Supremely Decadent :)

Then just drop about a tablespoon of the batter onto a parchment line cookie sheet.

Grab another sheet pan and continue to finish off the batter.

Place the trays into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to harden and set up,

Look how many Cow Patties this recipe makes :)

Grab a fun Holiday platter and what the heck, since they are Cow Patties
display the yummy candies on the Cowhide :)

I honestly think you will fall in love with these Cow Patties 
and will make them all year long.

Please have one :)

Grab some fun jars and fill them up! 

Add a little Holiday Sprit to the jars and drop them off at your
friends or neighbors front door for a little
Christmas Surprise. Fa La La

I see my jar :)

John and I went to a friends house for dinner and 
this is what we brought....

Cow Patties & Our Favorite Sauvignon Blanc


Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night.

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