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Thursday, September 5, 2019


This Zucchini Gratin is one of my favorite dishes!

The Top 10 Reasons Why I Love It So Much:

1. It's delicious.
2. Great way to use up all your summer squash bounty.
3. It is really easy to make
4. It makes a great side dish for meat, poultry, or fish.
5. You can assemble the components in advance.
6. You can make it in an hour.
7. It's perfect for when you are really hungry and need something diet friendly.
8. It makes great leftovers.
9. It's nutritious
10. You can customize it.
11. Yes one more....It has CHEESE

Go to the farmers market and grab about 3 different types of summer squash 
 zucchini and tomatoes. You won't be needing that white pumpkin.

Slice up the zucchini and squash into 2 inch pieces.

Tumble the vegetables into some boiling hot water.

Simmer in the pot for about 15 minutes.

Slice up your chosen juicy tomatoes while vegetables are simmering.

Butter a 11 x 8 gratin dish and beat up one egg in a bowl.

Grate about 2 oz Gruyere Cheese. But, remember I said you can customize it.
Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan or Pepper Jack Cheese
would all be fabulous :)

Dump the cooked squash into a Green Colander so that it matches the vegetables 
and stain all the water. Roughly mash the pieces. You want to have large
 pieces so don't over mash.

Toss the zucchini into the gratin dish. Pour in the beaten egg.
Spinkle in 1/4 t. crush red pepper and 1 T. Italian parsley.
Give it all a toss.

Add the tomatoes slices. Tuck some of the slices under the mixture.
Little salt & pepper and a drizzle of olive oil over the top.

Off to a 350 degree oven for 25 minutes. Remove and top with the cheese.

Onces you top all the cheese back to the oven for about another 15 minutes 
until all the cheese is melted and vegetables are tender.

This smells and looks so inviting.

Garnish with some Basil.

Grab a shovel and start serving.

Do you want a closer look?

Or would you like a little bite?



This recipe can easily be scaled. How cute are theses
individual Tomato Zucchini Gratin. Just make them in several
small Ramekins and everyone gets their own :)

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