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Wednesday, August 21, 2019


For a few fleeting weeks of summer, sour cherries burst into ripeness
like fireworks. Simmer sour cherries with just enough sugar
to balance their tartness and you will have some
Fabulous Cherry Preserves!

Cherries on top of everything for a 

Splash Of Summer!

Three cups of cherries.

Maybe a bit more because I never saw a cherry I didn't like.

Remove all the pits. Warning, don't wear a white shirt while
you are pitting unless you want some 
Red Polkadots all over it.

The reason I said have extra cherries is you will eat some along the way!

In a "Cherry Red Pot" pour in 2 cups of granulated sugar.

Juice of one lemon.

Tumble in the cherries.

Cook on medium heat until the preserves begin to thicken.

Scoop the Cherry Preserves into cute mason jars.

Pop them into the refridgerator till cold.

Now this is easier than Cherry Pie.

One for me and the other is a gift for a friend.

I don't play favorites with fruit, because summer is magic, but
if I did cherries would be right up there.

Yes, this is the famous English Muffin from Model Bakery
in St Helena, Ca.

Cheeries in my yogurt.

Cherry Ricotta Crostini please.

Have a bite.

Anything homemade is a perfect gift.



If your cherries are super large cut them up before cooking them.

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