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Monday, August 5, 2019


Is there anything more comforting than a Chicken & Rice Casserole. You 
know the ones your mom or grandma use to make.

The ones you probably don't make quite as often anymore, especially when
trendier foods have made their way into your rotation.

So I am here to remind you of this classic recipe because sometimes we
just need a good Old- School meal for some


Chop up one onion.

In a 9x13  buttered dish toss in

2 cups of white rice
2 cup of chicken broth
2 cans cream of mushroom soup (old-school)
Salt & Pepper

Give the pot a mix.

Melt two tables spoons of butter and add in 1clove of garlic.

Salt & Pepper both side of 4 chicken thighs and place it on top of the mixture.

Brush the chicken with the melted butter. Sprinkle with some thyme.

You can put a lid on the pot and place it in the refrigerator to cook later too.

I am cooking my Chicken and Rice Casserole now. Cover with foil and off 
to a 350 degree oven to bake for 1hour.

Uncover and turn temperature up to 375 degrees and cook another 30 minutes.

Now this is yummy comfort food for sure. It's a type of recipe to turn to
time and again. This is literal dump'n bake recipe.

I just love thighs for their flavor and crispy skin.

Guess what? You only dirty ONE dish ;)



The creamiest rice ever. Have a bite.

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