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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


No need to slather butter on this corn on the cob.
just a little salt and pepper.

Don't Just Boil Corn On The Cob In Plain Water Anymore!

Last year I thought roasting corn was the best way to cook corn. I had several people 
tell me that the most delicious way to cook corn is to boil it
in milk and a stick of butter. I finally got 
around to it and I agree!

The most delicious way to cook corn on the cob.

Butter, Milk, Salt & Pepper.

The corn cooks up so flavorful, fresh tasting and rich. You'll be obsessed with it
you won't even care what else is being served.



Q. What did the corn say when she received a compliment?
A. Aw, shucks

Q.Why were all the corn stalks afraid of Jimmy?
A. Because Jimmy cracks corn and he don"t care.

Q. How is an ear of corn like an army?
A. Both have lots of kernels.

Q. What do you get when a truck runs over a corn cob?
A. Creamed Corn.

Q. What did the baby corn say to mom corn?
A. Where's pop corn?

Q. What has many ears but can't hear?
A. A field of corn.

Q. Why shouldn't you tell secrets on a farm?
A. Because the potatoes have eyes,  the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.

Q. What kind of corn can you eat but never grow?
A. Candy Corn.

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to try! Keep the posts coming!! and why didnt I know I could sign up for this notification - had lots of catching up to do on your great recipes and ideas!



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