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Friday, February 1, 2019


This recipe is from my dad Walt Tobin.

Left over ham became a "Ham Spread" for appetizers or sandwiches when I grew up.
My dad loved to make it for us or was it for him. It's just yummy

Super Bowl Sunday is a hall pass to get Piggy!

Bring On The Ham!

Grab Your Ham!

Grind up about 4 cups of ham in your mini food processor.


Toss the ham into a bowl.

Add in...

1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1/3 cup sweet relish
Several squirts of you favorite mustard :)

Mix and Taste...

You may want to add a little more of this or that :)

I added a more this and that...

Some recipes call for hard boiled eggs, not me.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Fill some cute Mason Jars.

Cover and store till your ready to serve :)

Get piggy with your plate and cutting board...I did

Grab The beers!

Crackers Please!

Relish For Garnish.

Oink Oink Oink

Get Piggy On This Super Bowl Sunday!

Go Rams!!!



Love my set of Pig & Cow Plates I found at a second hand
store in St Helena Ca. Way Cute!


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