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Friday, October 6, 2017


It's a busy weekend around The Bay Area with Football & The Blue Angles in town.
You know there will be lots of Bloody Mary's in hand to enjoy all
the excitement. 

A perfect combination for your game day and the air show is...

Bloody Mary In Your Chile!

Lets start with the Bloody Mary. Grab you favorite per-made mix. 
Pour about 15 ounces into a pitcher.

Add to the pitcher 1/4 cup of vodka or a bit more :)

1 tablespoon Montreal Steak seasoning.

Several dashes of Worcestershire sauce, or to taste.

Several dashes of Tobasco, or to taste. My husband would add lots more. He likes it HOT.

Give the Bloody Mary a good stir and set it aside.

No No No don't even think about doing this.
It's for the Chile!

For the chile... chop up 2 stalks celery and one onion, finely diced.
Toss them in a large pot with a drizzle of olive oil.

Add 2 cloves of garlic and saute over a medium heat until soft.

Now add in 3 pounds of ground beef with a dash of salt & pepper.

Cook until browned about 5 to 10 minutes.
Drain off the excess fat.

Stir in

1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground oregano
1 tablespoon chile powder

Pour in your Blooding Mary...Look no can tomatoes in this Chile.

Continue to cook on medium heat and stir.

Tumble in a can of drained Kidney and Pinto Beans.

At this point have a taste. It's your chile, you may want add 
a little more of this or a little more of that.

I decided to add  bit more chile powder to mine.

Put a lid on it till your ready to serve.

With some store bought puff pastry I whipped up some American Stars
in honor of the Navy Blue Angels in town.

It's Not Entertaining...
it's "having people over"

Hosting doesn't have to be a weeklong freak-out. If the menu's strategic,
your can shop, cook, and eat all in the same day.

So text your friends because you're having them over this- Weekend.


P. S.

Eat Your Bloody Mary :)

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