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Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Last Sunday I had some family and friends over for a Summer Dinner outside. My Peach Pie
was perfect for dessert. Peaches are my all time favorite.

Classic, Southern Peach Pie is filled with summers juiciest, fresh peaches and has
a flaky, buttery double crust. Perfect served with a
scoop of ice cream or two.

In a large bowl cube up about five cups of peaches.

Pour in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Place the cube peaches in a colander to drain. Don't slip this step, this 
eliminates some juices so you pie won't be soupy
after it is cut.

In a medium bowl combined

1/4 cup of all purpose flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt

Stir to combine.

Pour the flour mixture over the drained peaches.

With that "Honey Bee Spatula" gently fold them all together.

Place one homemade or pr-made pie crust in the bottom of a 9 inch pie pan.
Brush the pie crust (bottom and sides) with a little egg wash.
Keeps the crust from getting soggy.

Pour the peaches into the bottom of the pie crust.

Dot the top of the peaches with 2 tablespoons of cold butter.

Place the top crust over the peaches and flute edges.

Brush with the rest of the beaten egg.

Cut 4 slits in the top to vent. You can sprinkle sugar on the top
of the crust for decoration if you like. I did. 
Place pie on a baking sheet, so no chance of spills in the oven :)

Bake the pie at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees.
Bake an additional 30-40 minutes until crust is brown and juices
bubble up the slits. If pie edges brown quickly, cover the 
edges with strips of aluminum foil 
and continue baking.

Southern Peach Pie is Beautiful as it is Delicious.
My kitchen spells Awesome
Just Saying..
Let this pie cool before cutting so put that knife away!

Oooh boy does this look Yummy, but wait.

Add a scoop of your favorite Vanilla Ice-cream.

But two scoops is better, right?


 I love peaches so much, it is almost hard to bake them, because I love
 eating them out-of-hand with the peach juice dripping
down my chin.

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