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Wednesday, April 5, 2017


I have to say, oatmeal has an image problem, it's kinda unattractive to look at. As tasty as it is I am here to give it a "Make Over". With a little pan-searing you can turn the lumpy
and gooey mixture into something divine. Enjoy this with a Mimosa!

Make up a batch of your favorite oatmeal and pour it into a baking dish.
Cool at room temperature or overnight in fridge for
several days even. Till your ready eat.

Lightly coat your frying pan with some cooking spray and turn up the heat.
Cut oatmeal into equally-sized cuts and sear each piece on each side.

For the topping grab some good honey from your friends ranch & fresh blueberries.

Bring about a cup of the honey to a boil.

Put the washed blueberries in a small dish and pour the boiling
honey over the top.

Let the blueberries just set and soften in the honey and...
GOOO check on your oatmeal.

Here comes the golden crust.

I am ready for breakfast but not just yet.

Top the pan-seared oatmeal with blueberries.

Enjoy this delicious spin on oatmeal and pour yourself a Mimosa.

Have a bite :)



My dad use to make this recipe but Walt called it "Fried Oatmeal" and he 
just drizzled Maple Syrup or Raspberry Jam over the top.

The possibilities of Pan Seared Oatmeal toppings are endless!

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