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Thursday, March 30, 2017


Yes, I was totally inspired at the Marin Farmers Market when my eyes saw
the most beautiful Radishes ever. I usually just toss them in a salad. But
awhile back I heard if you roast them they taste like potatoes.
They do and Tasted...

My gorgeous Radishes in shades of Pink, Red, Purple and White.

Clean off your Radishes and cut off the green. Don't waste the greens 
either! Sauté Them up like you would spinach or kale.

Slice the Radishes in half and squeeze in 2 teaspoon lemon juice.

Chop up 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary and pour in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Little salt little pepper and...Toss

Ok, this looks like art with all the beautiful colors going on!
Toss onto a baking sheet and cook in a preheated
350 degree oven for about 35 minutes.
Stir halfway through baking.

I took a bite straight away and it was...
Love At First Bite.

Not only Roast Radishes make a great side dish, they make a
Great  Spring Appetizer!

I served my Rosemary Roasted Radishes over some saute
Cauliflower Rice. Delish!

Roasted Radishes are a great alternative for potatoes. They are low in carb and a great
source of ascorbic, flaccid and potassium and provide a good source of
vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and copper.
Roast Your Radishes!
The best ever :)



I can't stop munching on them. My daughter Claire came by the house and yes
I made her try my the Roasted Roseemary Radishes! She said,
"Wow, those are seriously good".

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