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Saturday, July 15, 2017


Peaches & Strawberries are so ripe and very sweet right now so I had to get

From your Farmers Market grab about 5 ripe Peaches.

Peal The Peaches.

Cut Peaches into chunks.

Add peaches and juice of one lemon to a medium sauce pan.
Lemon juice is naturally high in pectin
and will help the jam set.

Bring the peaches to a boil over medium heat. Using a spoon mash
to crush peaches to desired consistency.

Reduce heat to medium. Add in about 1 1/2 cups of sugar.

Bring peaches back to a boil. Stirring frequently. Continue boiling and stir, until
peaches reduce and desired consistency. (Anywhere from 15-25 minutes).

Have a taste to see if you need a bit more sugar. Nope perfect.

Pull your Peach Jam off the burner to cool.

Garb some cute jars.

Summer Peach Jam :)

Spread it on your Biscuit.

Want a bite because it's...... Delicious


Strawberry Jam is the same recipe as the Peach Jam but you use
4 1/2 cups of fresh chopped Strawberries.

Put it on a Biscuit. :)

My Summer Hostess Gift Is Ready For Tonight!


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