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Tuesday, May 24, 2022



I make this Chopped Tuna Salad all the time,

 especially when it feels like SUMMER outside!

The beauty of this salad is you can prepare it in advance and it tastes
even better the longer the flavors marry.

I just love all the fresh, healthy and crunchy vegetables in one bowl...

This salad is for sure a springboard to whatever else you may want to add to it :)

Let's get chopping!

In a large bowl tumble in a can of rinsed Chickpeas.

Dice up a cucumber and toss them into the bowl.

Chop up one red onion and into the bowl they go!

Lots of colorful sliced tomatoes add so much flavor, into the bowl they go too :)

Give the bowl a toss.

To the bowl add in your favorite can of tuna fish,
then a pinch of salt & pepper.

The juice of one lemon and olive oil to taste.

Chop up some fresh parsley and into the bowl it goes.

Give the bowl a toss and then pop it into the fridge for a bit to chill up.

When you are ready to serve this delicious Tuna Salad
transfer it into a cute clear bowl so you
  can see all the glorious colors :)

Time to eat :)

This made for a super light easy lunch with some of my girlfriends.

Be sure to serve it with some "SUMMER WATER"...Rose' 


Would you like a bite?

This salad has so many possibilities.....

Like maybe no tuna and add cheese & pepperoni then call it a
 Chopped Italian Salad :)

But I love tuna and this is my personal favorite.



Grab some Mason jars and fill them up for work or school the next day.

Chopped Tuna Salad will travel....

Go on a picnic and don't forget the water!

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