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Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Fried Oatmeal is just delicious all smothered with mixed berry preserves and lots of fresh fruit.

This recipe is really special to me because my dad Walt would often whip it up for me,
 my brothers and sisters while growing up.

 My dad served his fried oatmeal to us with maple syrup and butter

I just changed it up a bit but still love his way too!

This was a perfect breakfast for our house guest we had last weekend.

I first start with my homemade mixed berry preserve and will share this recipe another time :)

The night before my dad would make a pot of oatmeal according to Quaker.

Walt would then put the cooked oatmeal in a meatloaf pan and
pop it in the fridge to firm up overnight

He would then just slice it up like this in the morning.

Walt would then "Fry It Up In A Pan" with plenty of butter :)

He got a good crust going on both sides.

It tastes great just like this too :)

Now I just plated them.

 Extra flavors to this fried oatmeal next...

Grab the mixed berry preserves and lots of fun fruit. I let
my friends garnish any way they like :)

Well this one is pretty!

This one is pretty too.

An Art Exhibit Of Fancy Fried Oatmeal.

Please pour the Mimosas John!

Grab a plate, it's time to eat:)

Have a bite of this crusty oatmeal topped with preserves and fruit.

Mouth Watering & Scrumptious!

Walt Tobin's Fried Oatmeal the way he served it.

Maple Syrup & Butter, So Delicious 

Thanks Dad!


Just a few left overs for later this week to fry up :)

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