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Thursday, June 13, 2019


With only a handful of ingredients and few simple steps I had the 
a perfect yummy cool off treat for the crazy hot heat wave the
Bay Area experienced these past few days.

Run to your Farmers Market and grab about 3lbs of ripe fresh peaches.

Slice the succulent peaches up in chunks. Skin on :)

I love fresh fruit and have to admit that sobets are probably my favorite
dessert to prepare this time of year when the weather is so hot.

Puree all the peaches with 1cup of sugar and 2 teaspoons of lime juice.


Pour the mixture into a loaf pan.

Freeze for 3 hours.

Take out of the freezer and break the ice crystals down with a wooden spoon.

Cover and freeze for another 3 hours.

Grab two or more glasses that you had in the freezer and fill them up :)

A perfect and refreshing snack for those hot summer day's.

It would taste great in a glass of Champagne, just saying.

Go a head have a bite. So delicious!



Why did the chef shave the peaches?
Because the recipe called for Nectarines.

What do you call the time in-between eating peaches?
A Pit-Stop.

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