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Monday, October 15, 2018


These are about the easiest appetizer you will ever make.

They are low-carb if your into that and if you skip the cream cheese they
are even lower in calories...but don't skip :)

Even non dieters will chow them down!

I bet you have all the ingredients in your refrigerator now.

Spread each ham with a very thin layer of cream cheese. Cut dill pickles into
spears and place at the end of the ham.

Roll the ham around the dill pickle, then place toothpicks where you want each piece to be cut.

Truth be told my husband grab that whole one right there to enjoy :)

Continue making as many as you need. Each roll makes three bites.
Pop all the rolls in the fridge to set which makes 
for easy slicing.

This one is for you!

I had my family for Sunday dinner and these bites were a hit.
They were perfect on my cheese plater.



When I made theses lots of other ideas popped into my head. If you
have other good ideas for variations please share.

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