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Monday, June 11, 2018


I am not going to lie when it comes to chicken. I'am definitely a thigh girl. I did throw
a few legs on for a few certain people.

To me skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs have more flavor than any other part of the bird.

I spent a lovely morning at The St Helena Farmers Market around the corner from the house and came home with some fabulous Blackberries.

I love pairing grilled chicken with a fruit-based barbecue sauce. This one has my fresh Blackberries that add a subtle sweetness to the sauce, balance out the heat of the chiles,
and soften the acidity of the vinegars.

Three pints of fresh Blackberries.

In a large saucepan tumble in your Blackberries and pour in 1(12-ounce) dark beer.

To the pot add 1 cup of

Balsamic Vinegar & Red Wine Vinegar

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar.

Slice up one onion ....toss into the pot.

Add 1 Habanero pepper to the party in the pot.

One tablespoon of each seasoning :)

We are almost there....

Grab your favorite ground coffee.

1 tablespoon finely ground coffee.

Cook the sauce over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 2 hours.

Remove the pan from the heat and carefully blend or puree the sauce in a blender till smooth.

Use immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Make sure you tell your Grill Master to wait until the end of the cooking 
process to apply the BBQ sauce so you don't end up with a 
charred mess!!!

I heated up some extra Blackberries to garnish the serving plater when I served my

Grilled Chicken Thigh With Blackberry BBQ Sauce.

I absolutely love this dish and it was a crowd pleaser. So don't  be afraid to 
use seasonal fruit in sauces and glazes.

I didn't even have to do the dishes...Thank You :)

Let me know what fruit you buy at The Farmers Market and put
into your sauce. 



If you like your sauce even sweeter add more brown sugar. :)

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