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Friday, May 18, 2018


A Traditional English Scone is a brilliant idea to enjoy with a spot of tea
while you watch the Royal Wedding if your not
attending the Big Event!

You will feel like your across the pond in London!

Do you want to know the biggest difference between British and American Scones?

It's really about the butter. The British Scone is not as buttery. Not because the Brits are nutritious,
but because in Britain they don't put a lot of butter into the scone because they slather
 butter on the scone when they eat it. By the same token, they don't put
a lot of sugar into the scone, they pile jam on top.

In a large bowl mix 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour and 3 1/4 tsp baking powder.

Add in 1/4 tsp of salt and 3 tbsp of granulated sugar.

Chop up 3/4 stick of cold butter into small cubes.

Tumble the butter into the bowl.

Rub the mixture with your fingers until it looks like fine crumbs.

Heat up 3/4 cup of milk on the stove top until warm, but not hot.
Add 1tsp of vanilla and 1tsp orange juice.

Add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients.

Combine quickly with a fork.

Scatter some flour on the work surface and tip dough out.
Roll the dough to about 1.5-inch high.

Use a 2 1/2 inch round cookie cutter and plunge it into the dough
and repeat until all the dough is used.

Grab one egg and make an egg wash.

Brush the tops with egg wash. Bake in 400 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes.

They look perfect to me :)

I Have A Little British Table Scape With My Floral China.

Dollop the scones with Butter & Strawberry Jam. Pink or Beige plate for you?

I am a Pink kinda girl so this is mine.

Paige plate for you. Would you like a bit more jam on your
English Scone?

Have another cup of tea.

Cheers to Prince Harry & Meghan Markle 


Long Live The Queen!

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