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Friday, August 18, 2017


This Mango Chia Pudding has become another breakfast favorite of mine. This
version of Chia Pudding is tart, creamy and sweet and makes me

As if you need anymore convincing, these Mango Chia Pudding cups can be made
the night before. I tested this theory, making a few cups on a Sunday afternoon
and tasted one in the morning. It was really really delicious, but
just to be sure I tasted another one. That one was really
good too. I talked myself out of a third :)

Place chopped up fresh mango in blender and puree.

Next in a large bowl combined

1 cup of coconut milk
1 cup of yogurt 
2 tbsp honey
1 tsp vanilla extract 

Add in 6 tbsp of Chia Seeds.

Give the bowl a good mix with a pink spatula with poker dots on it.

Grab your little bowls and your puree Mango for the pudding cups.

Layer chia pudding starting with Mango puree first.

Top the Mango with Chia pudding and garnish.

Cover and off the the refrigerator. Now you are breakfast ready for a few days.

Chia Pudding is so yummy and easy to prepare, it's low in calorie
and provides some nutritional benefits. 

Keeps you full, great for weight loss.
Keeps your blood sugar stable.
High in fiber.
Prevents constipation. :)

Have a taste.



With your left over Chia Pudding try using Raspberries, Blueberries, Pineapple and more.

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