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Saturday, February 4, 2017


A hot cheese dip is awesome for a Super Bowl Party especially when
its made with some TEQUILA…

At your market buy about 1 pound of good
Spanish Chorizo (curd).

Slice the Chorizo on the bias 1/4 inch thick.

Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large "White" heavy skillet over medium heat.
Working in batches, add chorizo and cook, stirring occasionally,
until brown in spots 3 to 4 minutes.

Almost done.

Transfer the cooked Chorizo to a serving dish.
Go ahead have a few bites, I am :)

Finely chop 1 cup sweet onion and open up a can of diced green chiles.

Add onion and chiles to the "White" skillet, and season with salt. 
Saute, stirring until onions are translucent, about 5 minutes.

Thats what I'am talking about…Cooking with TEQUILA.

Pour in 1/3 of Tequila to the party pot. You'll have plenty left over for
Make Margaritas :)

Grab 4 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese.

Reduce heat to low, gradually stir in cheese and cook,
stirring constantly, just until cheese is
melted, 5 to 7 minute.

Remember your Super Bowl Dip does not have to be Fancy but
Your Helmut does!

Lets set the Party!

Your will love love this dip and that Tequila bottle is still open.
Have a Bite and a Shot.

 Heres To A Fun Super Bowl Day!



This dip works fabulous in your Fondue Pot.

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